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How to Paint Bubbles

Skill Level: 1 Beginner
Medium: Acrylic Painting
Subject: Landscapes
Tutor: Nolan Clark
Class Length: 58 Minutes


Class Description

In this real time paint along class we will learn to paint realistic bubbles in acrylic the easy way.

During the lesson you will learn:

  1. How to paint a simple leaf background
  2. What type of background you mustn’t use when painting bubbles
  3. What you need to show in each bubble in order to get a realistic effect
  4. How to make the bubbles look soapy / how to give them a rainbow effect
  5. How to make the bubbles look round
  6. How to make the bubbles look wet
  7. How to show one bubble through another
  8. How to paint connected bubbles
  9. and much more…

For the class you will need :

1) a 400mm x 300mm canvas (roughly 16″ x 12″).
2) Set of bristle brushes
3) Finer liners and fine round brushes
4) 1cm (0.5″) Soft Filbert Brush
5) Painting Knife
6) Pair of Compasses & White Watercolour Pencil
7) I use these colours during the lesson : Titanium White, Permanent Alizarin, Dioxazine Purple, French Ultramarine, Cerulean Blue, Cadmium Yellow & Sap Green.



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