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How to Paint Butterflies in Watercolour

Skill Level: 1 Beginner
Medium: Watercolor Painting
Subject: Animals, Flowers
Tutor: Dennis Clark
Class Length: 2 Hours 01 Minutes


Class Description

Unfortunately there are fewer butterflies around now than there were many years ago. The widespread use of insecticides have decimated their numbers drastically, not forgetting many species of other insects as well necessary for the ecology of the planet. On the bright side, pun intended, you can paint some of these beautifully coloured butterflies in watercolour.

In the lesson you will learn:

1.  How to paint a very soft background
2.  How to paint the flower and the leaves
3.  How to paint the orange butterfly
4.  How to paint the large butterfly and the smaller one
5.  How to add the fine details



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