Drawing Realistic Hands

Skill Level: 2 Intermediate, 3 Advanced
Medium: Pencil Drawing
Subject: Portraits
Tutor: Nolan Clark
Class Length: 7 Hours 30 Minutes


(2 customer reviews)

Class Description

Learn to draw realistic hands in this step by step pencil drawing tutorial. The idea with the class is to be able to see every fine in the final drawing.

During the class you will learn:

1) How to use a make up sponge to quickly sketch out a subject
2) How to create depth in the hand so it looks 3D
3) How to draw pore textures
4) How to draw realistic nails
5) How to draw wrinkles
6) How to vignette an image
7) How to draw a perfectly smooth background
8) How to draw shiny coins
9) and much more…

For the class you will need:
A3 or similar drawing paper
(If you are a patron you can download the template below and print that out for the class)
Set of pencil (2H, H , HB, B, 2B, 4B, 6B, 9B)
Pen shaped eraser (like a Tombow Mono)
Kneaded Eraser
Sheet of Transparency
Please make yourself a blending stump with a fine point (Use these instructions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rREaublyi9Y)


2 reviews for Drawing Realistic Hands

  1. Charlene (verified owner)

    I enjoyed this class but felt it was incomplete. Thanks as always.

    • Nolan59 (store manager)

      Charlene at your time of writing the class IS incomplete – this is a live class series so we are building up the drawing. The next live class in the series is this week so tune in as we continue to work on this artwork.

  2. Loretta Hulley (verified owner)

    I have purchased many classes and I can recommend all. Brilliant teaching techiques.

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